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7 Ways To Talk With Your Animal Companions With Energy Medicine

Animal Communication Techniques
For Dogs, Cats & Horses

The Taosheba Animal CommunicationTechniques
Are Powerful Yet Non-Invastive

Everyone can learn Animal Communication Techniques To Communicate and Heal their Animal Companions. Integrative Energy Medicine includes Energy Talk, Energy Testing, Readings, Chakras, Reiki, Auras, and Meridians. The Taosheba Techniques Are Simple to Learn & Easy to Do.

Is EnergyTalk An Animal Communication Technique?

Energy Talk is a simple Animal Communication Technique that empowers you to communicate with your animal companions with a yes and no energy exchange. Anna’s book, Natural Healing For Animals, Energy Medicine describes and illustrates all of the Integrative Animal Communication Techniques clearly and simply. They can be used on Dogs, Cats, and Horses of all ages.

All of my cats have been feral and all of my dogs have been rescues. Energy Talk is one of the most important Animal Communication Techniques. It was a game changer. It gave me the gift of being able to communicate with them effortlessly. I was able to determine how old they were, what foods and supplements they needed, what they were allergic to, and in the process, I gained their trust and love. Energy Talk along with the full spectrum of Animal Communication Techniques helped them transition into domesticated animal companions in record time.

Master Mink was a familiar who came to me in the form of a feral cat. The first time he experienced Energy Medicine was a game changer. He curled up in my lap and I shared Reiki, the laying on of hands, which is both a healing and animal communication technique. Reiki can be done with hands on the body or working above the body without touching it. It wasn’t long until he let out a sigh and let go. His head dropped into my lap; he closed his eyes and slipped into “The Zone.” From that day on he patiently waited for his energy session every day. He was never pushy. He positioned himself so I would take notice. Mink was an empath and a familiar. He trusted me. Reiki was his favorite Energy Medicine Technique. It relaxed and balanced him. After I familiarized him with the healing touch, I began using other Animal Communication Techniques, including Energy Talk, which gave me the ability to communicate with him using a simple yes and no energy exchange. He realized instantly what I was doing. He felt safe and loved. It created a powerful bond between us. I literally watched the feral aspects of his nature melt away.

Even though he has transitioned, I still feel his presence, especially in the garden. He followed me around and inspected every drop of water and every move I made. He occasionally visits me in the garden and uses his own Animal Communication Techniques with me. Once he telepathically told me to look for a blue leaf. At first, I thought this can’t be real; there are no blue leaves in my garden. I was looking for my hand shovel and there it was, a blue cloth leaf lying right there. Master Mink became my special friend and teacher. We shared a sacred bond built on mutual respect. A deep love and trust developed between us that I will forever treasure. The healing power of love and the Integrative forms of Animal Communication Techniques transformed Master Mink into a lover and a gentleman.

Master Mink brought me Sweet Ebony, his special friend. He had the sweetest coo I have ever heard. Ebony always cuddled with my clients and gave them unconditional love. That was his Animal Communication Technique. Sweet Ebony brought me his grandson, Geronimo. He was born under a house. His Mother was one of the untouchables: no one could trap her. Geronimo, who was just a baby, fit into the palm of my hands. They all loved Reiki. What a special family I was blessed with. Animal Communication Techniques helped me give them a healthy and happy life.

Animal communication in Portland Oregon

Master Mink

black cat

Sweet Ebony



What are Animal Communication Technique Benefits?

Animal Communication That Is Easy to Learn & Simple to Do

Never feel helpless again. Using Energy Talk, a simple yes and no energy dialogue, you can talk with your animal companions. You don’t have to have any special gifts or be a psychic. Just suspend disbelief and be willing to learn. I have taught people how to use Energy Talk in the aisles of pet food stores, in parks, on street corners, and over the phone. They were skeptical at first, but in minutes, they were believers. Energy Talk empowers you to choose the healthiest food and identify allergies and drugs that would have a negative effect. Energy Talk gives your beloved animal friends a voice.

You can avoid expensive visits to the vets for minor issues that can be resolved with natural healing. Energy Talk empowers you to help your animal friends live a long and healthy life and deepens the bond between you. They will know that they can communicate with you. You and they will truly know you did all that was possible to love and care for them.

Is Energy Talk Animal Communication?

Energy Talk

is a form of Animal Communication. It is based on the principle that everything that exists is composed of energy and matter. Energy Talk creates a bridge of animal communication between two energy sources and reveals whether there is a positive, negative, or neutral reaction to determine if they are compatible or incompatible. It opens up a dialogue and reveals the result. You begin Energy Talk by asking a yes or no question.

Energy Talk takes moments and is accurate if you hold an impartial state of mind. It is not a brain activity. It is simply the positive or negative interaction between two different energy sources to determine if they are compatible.

Energy Talk is ideal for working with animals. It takes seconds to test them. Even so, they will be hyper-aware that you are into their energy. It’s best to talk to them the same way you would talk to a human friend and explain your intention before you begin. Ask permission, and most often they will cautiously permit you to proceed. Initially, it would be helpful if you reward them with a treat. After they understand your intention, it will be a non-event. If they back away, don’t proceed. Wait for a time when they are relaxed and try again or use a distraction. You can also get a read when they are relaxing or asleep. They do not need to be awake to get an accurate energy read.

Can You Communicate with Animals With Reiki?

Reiki Empowers You To Heal, Bond And Communicate
With Your Animal Friends


Reiki is an ideal way to heal and communicate with your animal companions and learn more about Energy Medicine. Most folks have either heard of or experienced Reiki. While Reiki is known for its power to heal, it also gifts you with the ability to communicate with your animal friends. Most animals have a natural connection to Reiki. Once they experience it, they always want more.

When I first discovered Reiki, I was working on myself and friends. Once I realized the scope of its potential, I began sharing Reiki with Tao and Sheba, my Akitas.

I could feel the energy in each of their primary organs and energy pathways. I began answering their questions using Energy Testing and was shocked when I compared the answers to the blood tests the vets ordered. It was mind-blowing because the answers Tao and Sheba gave me lined up exactly with the results of the tests. Then the light went on, and I began using Reiki on my dahlias and experienced the ability to communicate with them using Energy Talk. I planted my dahlias without identifying what color of bloom they were going to gift me with. So I tried an experiment. Using Energy Talk, a simple Yes and No form of energy communication, I asked each of them what color bloom they were going to throw. To my astonishment, the experiment was a total success. It was exciting and I was hooked.

That’s when I discovered the accuracy and benefits of Energy Talk and Testing. It empowered me with the ability to have a yes and no exchange with my animal companions and all the plants in my garden.

>>>Visit Energy Medicine Benefits

I realized everyone could learn how to communicate with animals with Energy Talk. No special skills needed, psychic or otherwise. Energy Talk can also be used to work on developing your intuition. Often people find their intuition begins to develop naturally with Animal Communication Techniques.

Once I realized the multiple gifts of Reiki and how it could benefit all animals, dogs, cats, squirrels, horses, all of nature’s creatures, and winged ones, as well as the entire plant kingdom; I had to share it with all of you. I wrote Natural Healing for Animals, Energy Medicine Workbook so we could help heal our animal friends naturally whenever possible, save money on unnecessary vet bills, and communicate with our beloved animal companions.

Reiki is one of the most precious healing tools in my medicine chest for animals and people. It has the power to integrate mind, body, and soul, creating a state of internal harmony without drugs or invasive procedures. In an age where stress is a constant companion for many folks, the healing energy of Reiki is an unparalleled gift of natural healing. Animals and people feel a sense of inner peace and calm when receiving Reiki.

Reiki’s potential for healing is infinite. You will discover the laying on of hands and all the benefits. Once your animal friends discover you can communicate with them with Energy Talk, it will deepen the bond between you.

How Do You Balance the Chakras for Animals?

chakras - Animal Communication Techniques

What are Chakras?

Chakras are whirlpools of life-force energy charged with the same universal energy that runs through the universe. When our energy centers or chakras are balanced, we experience a state of well-being. If they are out of balance, we experience stress, disease, and dis-ease.

When your animal companions are out of balance, you can be guided to which chakras require balancing using Energy Medicine. Balancing the chakras for your animal companions is as simple as using the hands-on method of Reiki or just working above the body. The important thing is to use your own instincts and training. All Animal Communication Techniques will support your animal companions’ well-being and help you know which energy centers to balance.

Chakra balancing is a valuable Animal Communication Technique because it helps restore harmony and equilibrium to the energy system. Your animal companions’ chakras, like your own, can be out of balance due to trauma, stress, illness, or environmental factors. By working with the chakras, you help your animals regain their natural state of balance and well-being.

Is Reading the Energy Animal Communication?

Energy Reading Benefits

Spiritual healing for animals in Portland Oregon

Feeling The Energy

Animals are highly sensitive to energy work, whether you are reading the energy, working Hands On or Hands Above the body. They can feel the energy radiating from the palms of your hands. It is essential to be aware of how they respond so they gain confidence in you. They are curious and in most cases will permit you to continue once they determine its safe and not invasive

An Energy Read doesn’t take much time once you are familiar with the technique. If the energy is balanced you will not feel any extremes of sensation; the energy will feel calm. If it is unbalanced you may feel heat, pain, discomfort, pulsation, sluggishness or a dense dull feeling. When you finish reading the energy you can determine which technique to use to bring the body into balance.

Energy work is beneficial whether there is a health challenge or not. It creates a state of over all balance and acts as a form of preventative medicine. It empowers you to take a proactive response to help your animal friends be healthy and happy. Never force an energy read or any form of Energy Medicine on your animal companions. If they resist wait until they are relaxed and try again. Most animals will be alright with energy testing and healing, however if they reject your efforts it’s best to respect their wishes.

What Are The Techniques for Reading The Energy?

Reiki Hands On:

The Laying On of Hands enables you to to feel the positive and negative energy flow with the palm of your hands.

Reiki Hands Above:

Using Hands Above also enables you to feel the energy of the body in the palms of your hands, including auric vibrations around the body.

The Chakras:

The Chakras (the seven primary energy centers) enable you to recharge the body’s life-force energy to achieve optimal energy levels.

Color … The Auras:

Colors can also reveal the overall health of the body. What some feel with their hands, others see with their eyes. The Auras contain all the colors of the rainbow. Generally, red depicts inflammation or pain, green is healing, blue subdues inflammation and or emotional challenges. Purple inspires healing with the higher self or guides and white and gold healing and purification.

What Are Auras?

Auras are Radiation of Light and Energy
Surrounding the Physical Body

Animal Communication Techniques
As Tao aged his Aura’s became easier to see. The closer he got to leaving his body the more he glowed.

Who Can See Auras?

Auras are radiation’s of light and energy that emanate from all living things. They surround the body creating a three dimensional field. Auras are charged with the different colors of the rainbow. Every living thing has an Aura, although they are invisible to the eye. There are those who can see Auras. The ability to see auras can also be developed. The Auras can be disrupted by states of stress, disharmony, ill health and environmental influences. You may also catch the reflection of Auras with your camera, even when you can’t see them with your eye. Many natural healers who who work Aura’s believe that dis-ease begins in the Auras and filters down to the physical body.

Do All Animals Have Auras?

Earthbound animals have four subtle auric bodies which reflect their state of being, including their consciousness. You can cleanse and recharge the Auras with intention using a feather or your hand. You can determine the state of their mental and physical health through the Auras. Once you get used to working with Auras you may be able to feel and see them. They change colors according to the stimulus, internal and external, for both humans and animals. The colors blend into each other and sometimes create secondary colors. The colors vary with each animal. Even if you can’t see the colors of the Auras or feel them you may be able to sense them. Developing these skills takes practice and patience.
