How To Activate & Balancing
Activate and Balancing your seven chakras is key to unlocking your full potential energy. When all the chakras are aligned your energy flows freely. Your chakras are the primary connection to your life-force energy. The Healing Power of Your Chakras is Powerful Energy Medicine.
Chakras - Understanding Your Seven Primary Energy Centers
You have probably heard of the seven chakras in the context of physical and mental well-being. The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘cakra’, which literally translates to ‘wheel.’
The seven chakras are the primary energy centers of our body. Many ancient traditions have studied the chakras and their effects on our lives. Just like blood flows through your veins, the energy flows through your chakras. Since everything in the world is made up of energy, you interact with the universe’s energy through your chakras.
Each of the seven chakras and are associated with specific organs and glands in your body. When your chakras are aligned and balanced, there is an unobstructed flow of energy.
However, when your seven chakras are out of balance, you start experiencing problems physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your chakras aren’t something you can see or touch, but you can feel their effects.
In my book The Twelve Codes of Consciousness, I share visions and attunements that help people like you connect with your higher consciousness. Each vision is a transformational journey that will help you to achieve your highest energy vibration, as it harmonizes your mind, body, and soul. As you move up through chakras your consciousness will expand beyond the physical realm.
How Do You Know Your Seven Chakras Are Imbalanced?
When your seven chakras are out of balance, you will experience a few telltale signs. Once you notice these signs, you can regenerate your chakras to avoid losing energy.
1. Feeling negative emotion
If you feel that your thoughts are becoming excessively negative, it might be a sign of chakra imbalance. You might be focusing on the worst possible scenarios and feeling pessimistic about your life. Some of the emotions you could be feeling are anger, envy, hatred, disgust, sadness, and fear.
2. You fall sick often
As I alluded to earlier, your seven chakras are invisible but their effects can be felt. When your chakras are unaligned, physical ailments become more common and more difficult to recover from.
The physical symptoms may include anxiety, chronic fatigue, body aches, digestive issues, etc.
3. Stress
Stress becomes a major problem when your seven chakras are imbalanced. Instead of fully enjoying life and living in the present moment, you begin to worry about the future. The constant stream of inexplicable problems stresses you out and your sleep may also be affected.
4. Disconnect with life and the universe
When your chakras are in alignment and the energy flows freely, you feel connected with your inner self as well as to the universe. However, when your chakras are imbalanced, you feel distant and disconnected from the higher realms of consciousness and your spiritual essence.
5. Low self-esteem and confidence
One of the worst things you can experience when your chakras are blocked is losing your self-esteem and confidence. You no longer believe in your capabilities that are a gift from the Divine. There’s a feeling of failure like nothing is going right in life, and that you have no power over your circumstances.
Imbalanced chakras can become chronic. They can cause distress, both physical and mental and prevent you from your higher self. But the good news is, you can regain balance over your chakras. Spiritual healing is not a quick and easy process, though. You can try out the chakra balancing tips presented in the next section, or if you think you’re unable to unblock your chakras on your own, you can seek the help of a spiritual guide.
To book a healing session with me, please email me
How to Unblock and Balance Your Chakras
There are several ways for you to unblock and balance your chakras. We are going to focus on visualization & meditation, two easy ways to realign your seven chakras. You can use this technique when you have limited time. The most effective way to keep your chakras in balance and enjoy the full benefits is to have a pro-active relationship with your life-force energy. This Energy Protection technique teaches you to physically manipulate your seven primary energy centers on a daily basis, putting you in command of your life-force and well-being. In the next blog we will share an introduction to using Energy Protection to physically balance your chakras.
Anna’s Medicine Chest
You can learn more about the chakras and their composition in Anna’s Medicine Chest. If you have recently been experiencing signs of a chakra imbalance, you can join my Energy Protection Workshop where I will share the master energy techniques that empower you to take command of your life-force energy. You learn how to cleanse and balance your chakras and how to read the energy. I will help you create a daily practice, which takes minutes, that will empower you to identify and regenerate blocked chakras so you can enjoy your full energetic and spiritual potential.
Visualizations & Affirmations for the Seven Chakras
By following the visualizations and mantras below, you can balance each chakra and reactivate your energy.
With regular practice, you will feel a shift in your mental state as well as your physical wellbeing. One of the best and fun ways to balance your chakras is with visualization. You will find seven visualizations and images associated with each of the seven chakras here:
Most of all enjoy the time you spend with yourself. While it takes time and a dedicated effort to balance your chakras, once you experience the benefits your will be hooked. Make sure that you regularly check in with your chakra system.
Sometimes, the problem may run deeper and in such a case, the guidance of an experienced healer can help you restore the balance in your chakras.
To book a complimentary session with Anna, please send an email to