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Spiritual Mentor, Healer,
Visionary Intuitive
    Anna Abraham

Spiritual Warriors Of The Light
You Are Destined To Manifest
An Era Of Illumination.
Your Time Is Now!

Spiritual Healer, Mentor, Visionary Intuitive, Anna Abraham, Invites You On A Journey of Mind, Body & Soul Well-being & Empowerment.

Unlock clarity, health, and wholeness with Spiritual Healer, Anna Abraham in Portland Or. or Virtually via Zoom which is just as powerful. Holistic Healing is the secret to conscious living, a journey of self-realization and empowerment.  If your Mind, Body & Soul are out of alignment, you feel fragmented, confused, anxious, and fearful. That’s when things get complicated. Spiritual Healing integrates the Mind, Body & Soul, restoring balance and inner harmony.  You are free to live a meaningful life and have fun being you.


Anna Abraham

Spiritual Healer,
Mentor & Worldly Guide

Embark on a Journey of Wholeness:
Spiritual Healing is a Path to Self-Realization and Empowerment.

In A Complicated
Relationship With Yourself?

The Power Of Spiritual Healing
Will Set You Free!

If you are searching for an authentic healing mentor who empowers you with clarity, confidence, and purpose, Anna is your spiritual mind, body, and soul healing teacher.

 Anna’s mastery of the Mind, Body, Soul Paradigm of Spiritual Healing, combined with Energy Healing, Portland Oregon and beyond, is truly rare.

How Spiritual Healing Empowers
You To Be Authentic?

Spiritual healing harmonizes your mind, body, and soul, creating a sense of wholeness, balance, and vitality. This inner alignment fosters authenticity, allowing you to feel fully yourself. By exploring your potential, you embark on a journey of self-mastery, empowerment, and clarity. Combined with energy healing, spiritual healing offers transformative benefits for the mind, body, and soul—effective both virtually and in person, whether you’re in Portland, Oregon, or beyond.

When you release doubt, fear, and confusion, you gain the freedom to move forward with conscious intention and purpose. Aligned within, you vibrate at your highest frequency, making abundance and positive manifestation possible. Embrace your unique self and live authentically, attracting positive energy and realizing your full potential.”

Conscious Living Empowers You To Be Your Best Self
Explore Your Mind Body Soul Potential

Search A Little Deeper & Reach For Something Higher



Who Am I? What Is My Purpose?How Do I Heal? How Do I Overcome Fear & Confusion? Why Do I Feel Alone? How Do I Feel Whole? Will I Find My Soulmate?


Achieve Clarity, Be Authentic, Be Whole, Trust Your Intuition, Own Your Truth, Access Your Inner Warrior, Power & Purpose, Life Is An Adventure. Have fun & Live Your Best Life.

Inspirational Healing & Self-Mastery
Readings, Vision Quests, Workshops & MasterCourses
For People & Animals

Spiritual Healing

Sacred Realms Oracle Cards

I have to say I am rather biased with these cards. They are quite genius in their execution when it comes to self-discovery and growth. It took two years for Anna and her kitties to create the Sacred Realms , a multi-cultural  deck of  87 cards.

Spiritual Healing – Mind, Body & Soul

Anna encourages you to discover the truth of your path from inside your heart. She is a constant reminder to never give my power away, She is harmonious with the ways of earth, and spirit She is also honest, witty, and 5ft inches of pure fun.

Chakra Readings

Anna’s Powerful Chakra Reading brings an innovative form of spiritual and emotional healing. I left my time blown away at her one-of-a kind modality of seeing stories & symbols within each Chakra, & offering tools to help with transformation.


Spiritual Events

The Oracle of Ascension – Sound Journey

Started on May 22, 2024 to May 31, 2024

A Magical Series of Sound Journeys

Started on August 25, 2024 to August 25, 2024

A Journey Into Your Inner Solar System

Started on September 28, 2024 to September 28, 2024

New Years Eve Ceremonial Sound Journey

Started on December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Subscribe for the Exclusive Updates & Event's!

Spiritual Healing Empowers You
To Be A Positive Force In The World

Access Your Power

You possess dual consciousness, both earthly and cosmic.
You are a very powerful being.

Spiritual healing is a holistic path of self-empowerment. When your mind, body and soul are fully integrated, and balanced, you can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and a positive can-do attitude. You are liberated from fear, anxiety, and emotional, physical, and spiritual issues that drain you of your energy. Spiritual healing is a powerful tool that helps you attain clarity, to feel whole, healthy, and positive. When your mind, body and soul are aligned, you naturally feel positive. Spiritual Healing integrates, energizes, and inspires you to move forward on your own power, to be your best self, and be a positive force in the world. 

Spiritual Healing, bringing the Mind, Body & Soul into balance is a powerful tool for fostering a positive and balanced life, promoting overall well-being and helping you make positive choices.  

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: By promoting relaxation and emotional release, spiritual healing can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more positive mindset.

  • Increases Self-Awareness: Practices like meditation and mindfulness help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, allowing them to address negative patterns and cultivate positivity.

  • Enhances Resilience: Spiritual practices often emphasize acceptance, letting go, and finding meaning in challenges, which can enhance an individual’s ability to cope with adversity.

  • Fosters Gratitude: Many spiritual traditions encourage practices of gratitude and appreciation, which can shift focus away from negativity and towards positive aspects of life.

  • Builds a Sense of Community: Engaging in spiritual practices often involves joining a community of like-minded individuals, providing social support and a sense of belonging.


Spiritual Healers use a variety of Energy Medicine, Emotional and Spiritual Healing, and Visionary
Techniques to naturally bring your mind, body and soul into a state of wholeness and well being. Each are unique whether you use them alone or integrated with other spiritual healing techniques. Spiritual Healing techniques bring the mind, body and soul into balance and promote a positive state of mind. 

Energy Medicine, a boundless source of Spiritual Healing Energy, taps into the universal life-force to align
and heal the mind, body and soul together. It is totally natural yet powerful form of Spiritual Healing that
heals and energizes you without the use of drugs or invasive procedures.

Reiki is a powerful form of Spiritual Healing with Energy Medicine. Reiki is used by spiritual healers, as well
as nurses in hospitals. There are three ways to use Reiki, The first is the laying on of hands. Second, you can use
Reiki works above the body and it can also be used for long-distance healing. No matter which method
you choose, the result is the same. Reiki heals and integrates the mind, body, and soul. Reiki has the power to heal on all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. There are multiple forms of Energy Medicine to explore. They all have one primary gift, they are powerful, yet non-invasive. Internal 

Chakra Healing is another form of Spiritual Healing with Energy Medicine. Flushing and balancing your
seven primary chakras cleanses and revitalizes your severn primary energy centers. When your Chakras ascleansed and balanced you have access to your full potential energy. Balancing your Chakras daily
empowers you to access and revitalize your energy at will. You will have total command of your life-force energy. No one can rob you of energy and you will avoid giving away too much of your energy.  

Emotional and Spiritual Healing that heals the Heart and Soul, the" Original Wound.”  When you heal the
heart and soul first, it releases the mind and the body to heal. Spiritual and Emotional Healing draws on New Age, as well as, Ancient Healing Techniques from all parts of the world that differ from traditional talk therapies ncluding: 

Soul Retrievals
Intuitive, Oracle & Energy Readings
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Vision Quests

Readings and Vision Quests are Spiritual Healing Journeys that give you access to your higher wisdom and inspire and empower you to explore alternative realms of wisdom and knowledge. No matter if you are feeling adventurous, confused or stuck,  Intuitive Readings and Vision Quests reveal messages, often through symbolic imagery, that empower you to see beyond your mental, physical or emotional perceptions. Readings and Vision Quests have the power to get you out of your brain and connect you with
the wisdom of the Great Masters of Time & Space. No need to believe or disbelieve. Just give yourself to
the adventure and let some magic into your life. At times, special guides or loved ones materialize to
deliver a message. As a Spiritual Healer and Visionary Intuitive I  share many forms of intuitive or psychic
readings including:
Sacred Realms Oracle   – Journey of the Soul Readings, Chakras
Vision Quests
Shamanic Journey’s
Gem Stone Readings