A Journey of Self-Discovery
Explore Your Mind Body Soul Potential
Workshops - Courses - Healing Plans
Energy Healing & Protection Workshops & Courses teach you how to have a pro-active relationship with your life-force, your vitality, and overall well-being. You will learn how to flush and balance your Seven Primary Chakras and avoid giving your energy away. Chakra Healing prevents others from robbing you of energy and helps you avoid giving too much of your energy away.
Natural Healing with Energy Medicine is a powerful yet non-invasive personal development workshop. You will learn techniques to help your animals in their daily well-being, as well as, in times of crisis. Never feel helpless again when your animal friends are in need.
Exploring the 12 chakras visions is an empowering journey that can help you discover your own visions, connect with your higher self, and receive guidance and insight about your path.
Master Course that focuses on past life and life between lives regression can help you explore your soul’s journey and gain insight into your current life path and purpose.
The Sacred Realms Oracle Cards Masterclass, the prophetic story of Journey of the Soul manifesting in human form, empowers you to share the wisdom and knowledge of the Great Masters of Time and Space with those seeking guidance.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that empowers you to work on yourself and others to promote balance and well being. Reiki courses, I – IV offers you Mastership certification.
The Mind, Body Soul Masterclass is for Healers and Lightworkers who want to professionally distinguish themselves as a certified Integrative Healer.
The Holistic Healing plan is for those who want to to heal the Mind, Body & Soul together, be free of negative energy, raise their vibration without spending years in therapy.
Workshops, Master Courses & Healing Plans
Payment Plans Available.
The Guardian Matrix
For Healers & Lightworkers
Master Holistic Healer Certification
Healing Mind Body & Soul
The Guardian Matrix MasterClass is for healers and lightworkers who want to embody the Mind, Body Soul paradigm of Healing. It is designed to model the true meaning of Holistic Healing in its purest and most powerful form, healing the mind, body and soul together.
The 12 month Intensive Protocol offers you a professional opportunity to distinguish yourself as a Certified Holistic Healer. Anna Abraham is a genuine master of the full spectrum of the healing arts, a Spiritual Mentor, Visionary, Maste Healer and Shaman.
1. Heal the Mind, Body Soul together – in 12 Months.
2. Avoid years of fragmented learning & frustration.
3. Study with an Authentic Master Of Holistic Healing
4. Receive Certification as a Holistic Healer.
5. Emerge with a Professional Plan of Action.
6. Experience the benefits personally & professionally
7. Share your gifts and honor the Journey of Your Soul.
The Guardian MasterCourse Protocol
Twelve Month Intensive
Cost $ 4997
Time Commitment recommended – 12 Months (3 hours bi-monthly). Time adjujsted as per your schedule < Payment Plans Available
Two Year & Three Year Plans – Time Commitment as per your schedule. Contact Anna
Journey of the Soul Reading
A Mirror into the Journey of Your Soul – The Path Forward Revealed
Your Medicine Bag
Energy Protection Balancing the Chakras, Boundaries
& Emotional Freedom Techniques
Giving A Voice to All Aspects of Self
The Guardian Training
Soul Framentation Healing Process
The Guardian Matrix
The Holistic Integration of the Mind, Body & Soul
Explore Visionary Techniques
The Shaman’s Journey’s into Multi-Dimensions of Self Discovery & Expansion
Commune with your guides and power animals
The Seven Gifts of Self Empowerment
Review the Matrix of All Messages/Visions
Identifying and prioritizing the Essence of the Messages.
Your Professional Profile
Spiritual Ethics
The final Journey of the Soul reading
The Guardian Matrix Visions
Cost – $ 2795 per person
Time Commitment 10 – 12 Months
2 – 3 hours – twice a month
Reiki Training I – II is available as an add on. Time commitment minimum 2 – 3 hours per month – $1500.
Ascension Attunement into The Seven Chakras
Vision Quests – Journey Into The Twelve Chakras
Vision Quest Into Your Sacred Soul Circle
Attunement Ascension into The Seven Chakras
Vision Quests – Journey Into The Twelve Chakras
Life Between Lives & Vision Quest Into Your Sacred Soul Circle
The Guardian Integrative
Healing Plan
Healing the Mind Body &
Soul Together
A Personalized Healing Plan
Healing Holistically is the heart of The Guardian Matrix Healing Plan. If you are ready to leave doubt & fear behind and move forward with clarity & confidence, you are in the right place. When you heal the mind, body & Soul together you are empowered to be your authentic self, to feel whole, healthy & positive, No need to spend years in therapy – only to discover parts of you are still confused and in pain.
Anna weaves the spiritual, emotional & visionary realms of healing into a masterful protocol to heal your mind, body, heart & soul together. It will set you free.
1. Healing the Mind, Body Soul Together
2. Benefit from healing without spending years in therapy.
3. Work with an Authentic Master Holistic Healer
4. Fear, Confusion and Self Doubt – Gone
5. Enjoy Your Full Potential Energy
6. Move Forward on Your Own Power
7. Be the Best Version of Yourself.
The Guardian Integrative Healing Plan
Cost – $ 3,250
Time Commitment 10 – 12 Months
3 hours – twice a month
Two Year & Three Year Plans – Time Commitment as per your schedule. Payment Plans Available. Contact Anna
Journey of the Soul Reading
A Mirror Into the Journey of Your Soul A Roadmap of Your Healing Path
Create Your Medicine Bag
A Mirror Into the Journey of Your Soul A Roadmap of Your Healing Path
Giving A Voice to Your Inner Child – All Aspects of Self
The Guardian Matrix Healing Protocol
Integration of the Mind, Body & Soul
The Seven Gifts of Self Empowerment
Discover How Powerful You Are
Final Journey of the Soul Sacred Realms Reading
The Path Forward Revealed
The Guardian Matrix Vision Quest
Cost – $ 2795 per person
Time Commitment 10 – 12 Months
2 – 3 hours – twice a month
2 Year Plan – Time Commitment as per your schedule. Payment Plans Available. Contact Anna
Attunement of The Seven Chakras
Vision Quests – Journey Into The Seven Chakras
Vision Quest Into Your Sacred Soul Circle
The Twelve Chakra Visions
Journey Into Your Twelve Chakras
“I thought Anna’s workshop was great. I really liked getting the take on my Chakras with thecrystal. I think anyone who wants that should get that. I feel like I can sense my Chakras afterthe workshop. Before that I just new about them and knew I had some serious problems. But now I feel like I am in control of my energy and that is exactly what I had hoped to gain from the workshop. I thought the venue, the time frame, the info, the group size was all perfect and Anna is cool as hell. Thank you!” - Mary
The Workshop is based on the Visions from The Twelve Codes of Consciousness. A transformational journey through the Chakras that Empowers you to explore the Journey of Your Soul, and receive the gift of your visions as a Blended Being, both mortal and cosmic. The Journey is a life-changing gift of self-empowerment.
An Inspirational Workshop
Receive the Gift of Your OWN Visions
Zoom Workshop Live
Past Lives & Between Life Readings
An Inspirational Journey Into the Mind Expanding Realms of Past Lives
Life Between Lives is a sacred journey which empowers you to heal past life karma that prevents you from achieving your full mind, body soul potential in this lifetime. If you feel lost in repetitive cycles that are not in your highest and best interest and can’t figure out why or how to liberate yourself, the journey into Life Between Lives will set you free.
Anna guides you into the Sacred Realms of Life Between Lives using hypnosis and visualization, to review past lives and discover the primary lesson you need to learn to release the original wound and own your power. It is a healing journey that empowers you to liberate yourself, as well as, those in your soul circle who reincarnated with you in this life-time.
Once released from the past, your life-force energy will increase. You will achieve clarity, inner peace, a renewed sense of creative power and joy. Experiencing your authentic self empowers you to share your gifts and honor the Journey of Your Soul. Anna guides you back through your current life to return to the womb. As you pass through the womb you are released from your human form and your spirit is free to return to the spirit world, life between lives. You may be met by a guide or someone in your soul circle and escorted to either your soul circle or the Great Library where you can review your current life. You may be called before the Counsel of Souls that oversees your check in with you. However your primary purpose is to meet with your soul circle.
You will discover the primary souls in your circle, which of them reincarnated with you in your current life cycle and what roles you are playing, and the lessons you are teaching each other. You may also briefly visit the ring of destiny to reawaken the memory of choosing your body.
Module 3 gives you the extraordinary experience of revisiting the Ring of Destiny and witnessing the choices you were given and body you selected in this lifetime
Life Between Lives – A Journey like No Other
The Sacred Journey into Life Between Lives also offers you the extraordinary opportunity to visit the Ring of Destiny and explore future incarnations. If you choose to reincarnate you will meet with your primary soul circle, as well as your guides, and you plan your next lifetime together. You will be called before the Counsel of Souls that oversees your reincarnations for a full review of your present life.
Authentic Reiki I-IV MasterCourse
Reiki I-IV Modules
This course is designed to train you in the full spectrum of the Mind Body & Soul components of Reiki, expanding the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition in combination with the Quan Yin Emotional & Spiritual Realms of Healing. This is a Mastership commitment, not a week end workshop. Upon completion you will receive your Reiki & Quan Yin Attunement and certification. You will be empowered with the skills and confidence to integrate Reiki and Emotional and Spiritual Holitic Healing into your personal and professional life. It is an oportunity to work with a genuine Master of Reiki and the Mind, Body Soul Paradigm of Healing. Anna has been dedicated to the Mind, Body, Soul spectrum of the healing arts for 35 years. Please contact Anna for a complimentary consulattion if you are interested in Authentic Mastership.
Price for Reik I, II, III & IV - Four Modules
Individuals - $ 1295 - each module
Small Groups (3-5) $950 each module
Reiki Mind Body Soul (MBS)
Receiving the Reiki attunements in combination with the heart based teaching of Quan Yin, you will be trained in The Mind body Soul Paradigm of healing, the full spectrum of healing energy. It empowers you with multi-dimensional healing powers, as well as, spiriitual and ethical responsibilities. The potential of the healing and transformational powers of Reiki MBS are infinte. The journey has the power to genuinely transform your life and those who seek healing. You will discover it is much more than another healing technique to include in your medicine chest! With the attunements you will receive the gift of the three Reiki symbols and Quan Yin Attunement which will empower you to increase the intensity of your healing energy and direct it at will for the highest good. The symbols and attnements can be used for self-healing with people, animals, winged ones, all of Mother Earth’s flora and fauna. In Honor of the Light of Master Usui, Masster Quan Yin and all Masters of Light, Space & Form, Blessed Be The Journey,
Sacred Realms Oracle Cards
Journey of the Soul Readings
“A beautiful and revealing journey into Myself and
My Limitless Potential.” —Denise
The Soul’s journey into the four realms of self-mastery and self empowerment. If you would like to learn to read the cards, to open your 3rd eye and share the wisdom and magic with others … contact Anna for a complimentary consultation.
The Sacred Realms Visionary Cards is a multi-cultural deck of cards with titles in four languages including English, Spanish, French and Italian.
I work with those who feel the call to explore the Sacred Realms
Visionary cards of self–discovery and self-empowerment using Zoom or FaceTime.