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Sacred Realms

The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings

Explore your soul’s journey with Sacred Realms oracle readings in Portalnd – Anna Abraham, Spiritual Healer. Gain insight into your past, present & future. 

Discover the path forward and access the Ancient Knowledge & Wisdom of the  Sacred Realms Oracle Readings through the Wisdom and Artistry of 

Anna Abraham, Spiritual Mentor and Worldly Guide.


The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings
Pure Magic

The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings reveal the story of  the Journey of Your Soul as it travels through the 4  levels of transformation and emerges on the 5th level as a mortal being.

The Sacred Realms Oracle is a multi-cultural deck of 87 cards with titles in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. The universal wisdom  combined with the visionary symbolism is magical. The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings gift you with a  mirror of your Soul’s Journey and empower you to move forward with clarity, confidence and purpose.

The Soul's Journey
The Sacred Realms Of Self-realization

The Soul begins its journey of manifesting in human form through the 10 portals of the Sacred Realms, The Cosmic Wisdom of Higher Consciousness which becomes veiled once a soul merges with a human body.  The Cosmic wisdom can be remember through prayer, meditation, readings & prophecy.  

The second level the Soul descends into the 12 portals of the Archangels, the bridge of  wisdom between heaven and earth.

The third level represents the 7 Gifts of empowerment that are essential to conquer the challenges of the physical world. 

The fourth level invites you to commune with Mother Earth and the wisdom of the 4 Seasons. The transformation from spirit to a physical being is complete.

The fifth level, the 53 portals of the mind body soul  component of the deck, represent the full spectrum of the  human experience, the challenges, and the gifts of being human. The Oracle Readings empower you to navigate the human experience with clarity, confidence and wisdom. 

Visit: Readings

The Sacred Realms Oracle
The Five Levels Of Self-Discovery

Level 1

The 10 Portals of the Sacred Realms Cosmic Consciousness

Level 2

The 12 Realms of the Archangels Divine & Earthly Wisdom

Level 3

The 7 Gifts of Empowerment The Human Design

Level  4

The 5 Portals of  Wisdom Mother Earth & the  Four Seasons.

Level 5

The 53 Portals of  Human Existence
Mind Body & Soul

The Oracle of the Sacred Realms
Master Course

Anna Spiritual Healer Portland Oregon - Sacred Realms Oracle Readings in Portland

Spiritual Healer, Mentor & Multi-Dimensional Visionary
Anna Abraham

The Timeless Wisdom Of The Sacred Realms Oracle
Messages From The Great Masters Of Time & Space

Anna’s combines her artistry and wisdom in the creation of the Sacred Realms Oracle Visionary Cards.  Her journey as  a life-long seeker of the meaning of existence is unveiled in the imagery and universal wisdom of the Oracle. She takes you on a transformative spiritual journey into the secrets of the miracle of life, the five levels of self-realization, and presents you with an opportunity to look into the Journey of the Soul and serve as a guide for other seekers.

The cards brilliantly portray the story of a being of light and love manifesting in human form, from the first portal of entry into the Great Mystery to the final moment of mortal completion, and the gift of transcendence. 

For those who feel called to take the Master Course you will find yourself on the Path of the Mystic. You are given the ability to be the witness, the seeker and teacher, to explore, experience and serve as a Spiritual Guide.  The journey into the Great Mystery of the miracle of creation and reincarnation is truly miraculous.  

It is a journey of conscious evolution, a calling, beyond learning how to read cards. If you feel called to open your 3rd eye and Cosmic Crown Chakra and  share the wisdom and magic with others contact me.


Readings shared via Zoom.
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Blessed Be Your Journey
