The Prophetic Chakra Visions
Twelve Codes Of Consciousness
Master Course
The Twelve Codes of Consciousness Master Course is a journey into the prophetic wisdom & magic of the Chakra Visions. Anna received the “Chakra” Visions, one every hour for 12 hours. The twelve visions of universal wisdom and knowledge were messages from the great masters of time and space. Anna’s mission is to share the “messages.” The messages of the Visions inspire you to discover your path, share your light and gift you with your own visions.
After exploring the wisdom of each of the Twelve Codes of Consciousness, Anna plays the hoop drum, crystal bowls or guides you with visualization into the twelve chakras to receive your own visions. You are welcome to bring a journal or record your visions. it’s exciting to have a book of your own visions after completing the journey into the twelve chakras.
The Chakra Visions Of The Twelve Codes Inspired
The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings
The Sacred Realms Oracle Readings are a treasured part of Anna’s Medicine Chest. They are inspired by the 3rd Eye Vision of the Twelve Codes of Consciousness. An octopus manifested, waving its many tenacles holding reading cards, predicted that Anna would create deck of cards. Months later Anna designed the Sacred Realm Oracle Cards. .It is a multi-cultural deck of 87 cards that empower you to see into the “Journey of Yoyr Soul.”<br>Anna is one of the rare intuitive’s who can see into the Chakras. She receives dynamic full colored mini-movies portraying you acting out your Soul’s Journey. Often your guides, love ones and angels materialize.
The Universal Messages from The Twelve Codes of Consciousness
After receiving the twelfth vision, a voice spoke to me, “Share the visions & attunements with those who are spiritually ready to receive. The messages that are offered with each level of the attunements are profound insights into the evolution of the Human Race. Many will seek the attunements embedded in each of the Twelve Codes of Consciouness. You, now understand, the many twists and turns of your journey and why it was necessary to spend time in solitude. Please remember to have love and compassion for all that exists. Everything has Consciousness.” In this spirit I share the universal wisdom of the “Messages.”
Root Chakra - 1st Code
1st sphere
“You are the stewards of planet Earth. It is your sacred duty to protect the planet that sustains you while in human form. The power of full awareness of the few can energetically transcend the density of the masses and create change.“
Root Chakra - 2nd Code
(3rd sphere)
“Your origin began as an elemental in Earth’s bed of creation, the sacred garden of the Divine. To reach your full vibration individually and collectively, your must remember
Root Chakra - 3rd Code
(2nd sphere)
“You are timeless. When you liberate yourself from the mortal belief of death and embrace the Journey of Your Soul, you will discover you are timeless.
Sacral Chakra - 4th Code
“There is no beginning and no end to the river of creativity that runs through all things…it is a boundless source of energy. Only your self-defined limitations keep you from reaching your full creative potential. Each of you are offered endless opportunities to dream a dream in this lifetime… to give consciousness to your visions … TO BECOME A CO-CREATOR.”
Solar Plexus Chakra - 5th Code
“The Battle of Power between a Warrior of Consciousness (internal power) and a Soldier of the Ego (external force) is a challenge for each individual soul that manifests as a mortal. Once awakened the ego takes on consciousness and is a powerful force. It can become an irrational master. You will the power of the Hawk and the heart of a Dove if you are to successfully navigate the challenges of physical existence as a Warrior of Consciousness.”
Heart Chakra - 6th Code
“The Path to Radiance is to love purely and unconditionally. When we honor all life on the Earth as sacred, protect the animals, creatures and all life on Earth we honor Natural Law. Our hearts become like a beautiful flower open and full of love and compassion for all that exists. ALL THAT EXISTS HAS CONSCIOUSNESS, WE ARE ALL ONE HEART, ONE SONG AND ONE SEED.”
Throat Chakra - 7th Code
“TRUTHFUL WARRIORS honor their beliefs and flow with their soul’s truth. They hold their truth in the face of all challenges. Words and thoughts spoken and unspoken have consciousness. Once released they are transformed into energy and take on consciousness and form and therefore power.“
Third Eye Chakra - 8th Code
The Third Eye is a portal to the Great Mystery, a portal to the Light of the Divine. Every moment of existence is an opportunity to bring a vision into existence, to realize your full potential in this lifetime.”
Crown Chakra - 9th Code
“If we can remember we are Beings of Light while still in mortal form we can avoid unnecessary suffering, feeling lost and alone and the fear of death. When you complete The Journey of your Soul and honor your divine nature you can transcend mortal density and transform into pure light.”
Crown Chakra - 10th Code
(1st sphere)
“Your connection to Divine Energy. Your consciousness continues after the release of the body. You reincarnate on the Earth plane to evolve. If you align yourself with these spiritual realities you can avoid suffering and live life to its fullest.”
Crown Chakra - 11th Code
(2nd sphere)
“When the veils part and the spirit crystallizes into a Being of Pure Light, you can exist without form and travel to celestial realms effortlessly… you are pure consciousness. While on Earth you can experience Pure Consciousness when you open your hearts, they are portals to your soul … the Path to Pure Consciousness.”
Celestial Crown Chakra
12th Code (3rd sphere)
The Twelve Codes of Consciousness are a a Call to Consciousness. The Twelve Points of Light Chakras expand consciousness, raise the soul’s vibration and prepare a soul for Ascension. Please remember to have love and compassion for all that exists … This is the Path to Radiance.”