Reiki Energy Healing for Animals
Reiki Energy Healing for Dogs, Cats & Horses
The Source of Reiki Healing Energy for Animals is the Universal Life-force that runs through all that exists. It is a boundless source of healing energy for dogs, cats, horses, and people too! Reiki Healing Energy creates a powerful connection to the universal life-force, transforming Reiki Energy Healing into healing energy. Reiki Energy Healing for Animals is transmitted by the gentle laying on of hands. Reiki can also be done with hands above the body. It is just as effective. Reiki Healing Energy is one of the most powerful forms of Natural Healing.
Reiki can be used to heal the Earth, ourselves, our animal companions, and all of Earth’s creatures. Animals and people feel a sense of inner peace and calm when receiving Reiki Healing Energy. The healing power of Reiki for animals can respond to pain, muscle strains and spasms, shock, inflammation, swelling, arthritis, migraines, strokes, emotional and/or physical trauma, and a host of other physical and emotional challenges. Reiki is one of the most powerful Energy Healing techniques in Anna’s Medicine Chest.
Reiki Healing Energy Is A Powerful Form Of Energy Medicine.
Humans, animals, and creatures possess a natural reservoir of life-sustaining energy (the universal life-force). Combine this knowledge with the fact that the body is designed to heal itself, and you have the basic understanding needed to access Reiki for Animals and its Natural Healing Energy. Powerful, yet non-invasive, Reiki Energy Medicine gives you the ability to be proactive in helping your animal friends with their daily well-being, as well as health challenges through all stages of their lives. Reiki is just as beneficial for you as it is for your animal friends.
The Reiki Energy Healing Techniques are the same for people as well as animals. The only differences are in the hand placement and timing. Animals do not require as much Energy Healing as people. Animals are totally aware of how much Reiki Energy Healing they need. At times it may be a few minutes, and other times they may need up to thirty minutes. You will know; they will get up and walk away when they have what they need. Whereas, people usually benefit from at least an hour and sometimes more.
Reiki Healing Energy for Animals, one of the most powerful forms of Energy Medicine. It empowers you to help your animal friends heal naturally. The essence of all forms of Reiki for Animals, as well as all other forms of Energy Medicine, is love and compassion. The world would surely be a better place if we treated all beings, all that exists with respect, love, and compassion.
Reiki For Animals - Energy Healing
The Taosheba Techniques
Reiki Energy Healing for Animals is a powerful, yet gentle form of Energy Medicine For Dogs, Cats & Horses. It deepens the heart and soul connection to our animal companions. Its healing power gives us a way to help them have a healthier and happier life and honor them with gratitude for the unconditional love they give us. It’s hard to imagine the Earth without animals.
Cost of book $ 19.99. Plus one COMPLIMENTARY Image of the Chakra Chart For Dogs, Cats or Horses (pdf) when you purchase the book. Additional images $3.00 each.
The Energy Healing Power of Reiki For Animals
You’ve Got Reiki Energy Healing In The Palms of Your Hands
Natural Healing for Animals Workbook is an introduction to basic Energy Medicine Techniques, including Reiki Energy Healing for Animals. It is written for the beginner, as well as those who are experienced with the healing power of Energy Medicine. Reiki for Animals, one of the most powerful Energy Healing Techniques. All of the Energy Healing Techniques are presented with step-by-step instructions and complemented with photographic illustrations.
The stories about the people and their animal companions who have benefited from Energy Medicine are heartwarming. You can use Reiki Energy Healing for Animals for cats, dogs, and horses, as well as any domesticated animals.
Reiki Healing Energy for Cats and Lapdogs
Ebony Knew Reiki Is Pure Love
Ebony loved Reiki, she cooed as soon as I put my hands on her. She also liked to share Reiki. She often put her paws on me and her touch was ultra gentle. All my clients loved to snuggle with Ebony when they received Reiki. Ebony practiced her own form of Reiki Energy Healing for Animals, pure love.
Reiki Energy Healing for Animals is one of the most powerful yet gentle and non-invasive forms of Energy Medicine. A heavy touch does not generate more energy, nor is it more effective. Two of the most important Chakras or energy centers are located in the center of the palms of Your hands.
Bucky's Reiki Energy
Bucky was not interested in laying down for his Reiki Energy Healing Session. No worries, You can do hands on Reiki Energy Healing for Animals while your animal friend is sitting up. He was curious but unwilling to give up his vantage point to lay down and receive the Reiki healing energy. He had no objection to the Laying on of Hands, he just wanted to be in a position to kiss his Mom, which he did continually when the spirit moved him throughout the photo shoot.
It’s best to work with whatever your animal friends will accept. With time they become familiar and enjoy the energy work. Never force your will on any animal when sharing Reiki or any form of energy work. Reiki Energy Healing for Animals is all about love.
Reiki Energy Healing For Larger Breed Dogs
Reiki for larger breed dogs presents different challenges, although the techniques and benefits are the same. Reiki Energy Healing for Animals uses the same hand positions for larger breeds and horses as you use for lap dogs and cats. However, you will have to adjust the positions to accommodate the size of the animal. Wear comfortable clothes and take precautions so you won’t be interrupted.
When you use Reiki Energy Healing for Animals it is important for you to relax and receive the energy as you share it with your animal companion. You both need to be comfortable. Reiki is about the natural flow of energy for both you and your animal friend. For larger breeds, it will save your back if your animal friend is in an elevated position. For horses, you may need a stool large and sturdy enough to maintain your balance.
All animals will take as much Reiki Energy as they need and then get up and take a snooze or walk away. Always honor their wisdom. Reiki and most forms of Energy Work continue to work after you take your hands away, sometimes for hours and sometimes days. Animals react differently to energy work. They may be energized or mellow. They may respond differently each time.
The unique thing about Reiki Energy Healing for Animals is they seem very aware of the benefits and may seek you out for more energy work. With people and animals, the intelligence of the body naturally utilizes the energy in the most beneficial way.
Reiki Energy Healing for Animals - Hands On & Hands Above The Body
Reiki Healing, Hands On & Above - What does it mean?
Reiki Natural Healing Energy is not confined to the “Laying on of Hands.” “Hands Above the Body” is one of the most powerful ways to work with Reiki and other forms of natural healing energy. For some animals it is the most effective way and with others it may be the only way.
Reiki Natural Healing Energy is not confined to the “Laying on of Hands.” “Hands Above the Body” is one of the most powerful ways to work with Reiki and other forms of natural healing energy. For some animals, it is the most effective way, and with others, it may be the only way.
Your hands are the tools of choice in most forms of Energy Medicine. When you are working above the body, your hands can be anywhere from inches or feet above. You can feel the energy in the palms of your hands. Hands above the body are used to work with the energy in the auras (invisible layers that emanate outward from the physical body).
Hands Above the Body and Hands On the Body are equally effective Reiki Healing Energy for Animals techniques. It is not necessary to have physical contact to ignite the universal life-force energy that flows through all that exists. With love and intention, the healing energy flows naturally and is never invasive. The TAOSHEBA techniques, which include Reiki Healing Energy for Animals, are not difficult to learn. With practice, they will come naturally.
With Hands Above the Body, you can draw out pain and inflammation. If your animal friends are too sensitive for Hands On, working Hands Above the Body is ideal. Many animals who will not let you work Hands On will be ok with Hands Above the Body. Reiki Healing Energy for Animals is a powerful technique with multiple uses, as well as healing benefits.
Tao Loved Reiki
Reiki For Animals Is Addictive
Tao was skeptical about Reiki. He
kept his distance and observed
whenever I shared Reiki with
Sheba. Finally he got jealous enough
to give it a go. After that Tao loved
all forms of energy work.