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Meet Your Guides


Meet Your Guides

Learn how to meet your guides and ask for advice. Anna is an experienced Spiritual Guide and Shaman who oversees and protects you throughout your journey. It may seem scary or unbelievable, but if you suspend belief or disbelief and remain open to the journey, you will discover that you do have spiritual guardians who watch over you and that you are not alone.  Anna  has been a spiritual guide for over 35 years.


How To Meet Your Spiritual Guides

Connecting with spiritual guides and angels can offer a profound sense of comfort, wisdom, and direction on your spiritual journey. These ethereal beings often serve as protectors, messengers, and spiritual companions who are always accessible for guidance. 

To help you meet your spiritual guides and angels, Anna begins by creating a sacred space where you feel peaceful and safe.  She will balance your Chakras, set an intention, and ask that beings of pure light and love respond. 

You may receive messages through thoughts, visions, feelings, or dreams. Once you open your mind and are willing to receive, you will find it is easier to connect with your guides each time that you set your intention. 

You may also discover that you can connect on your own.  Trust and pure intention is all that is needed. 

Steps to Connect:

  1. Meditation: Quiet your mind and focus on your breath. Visualize a bright light surrounding you, inviting your guides and angels to step forward.
  2. Ask for a Sign: Whether it’s in the form of numbers, feathers, or vivid dreams, ask your guides to communicate with you in a way that you can recognize.
  3. Trust the Process: Patience and trust are essential. Guidance may come in unexpected ways, so remain open and observant.
  4. Write it Down: Keep a journal of your experiences, noting any feelings, messages, or symbols you receive.
  5. Connecting with these higher energies is about faith and intuition. Let go of doubt and be receptive to subtle cues and  embrace the wisdom they share.

Anna Meets Her Guides

First time I was given the opportunity to Meet My Guides it just happened. I did not ask to meet them, nor had I ever given any thought.  

A highly developed psychic called me on the phone and announced there were spirits that wanted to speak with me. Her call came out of the blue and I was stunned by her words. I couldn’t imagine why spirits wanted to talk with me. I said, “Just tell them I’m busy.” I didn’t know what else to say. Even if it was so. I couldn’t relate. It seemed spooky.

I was in my early 20’s and in denial about “otherworldly” experiences. I had no clue about what the concept of what Meeting  My Guides meant, let alone believe it was possible. I didn’t know anybody to talk to about it. No one had ever talked to me about communicating with ghosts, spirits or angels. However I began having other worldly experiences I couldn’t explain.  In my wildest dreams I could never imagine that I would become a Spiritual Healer & Mentor.


Receiving Visions & Guidance

After that I  became conscious of otherworldly experiences in my dreams and then visions. They were mostly random and didn’t seem connected. It never occurred to me that I might Meet My Guides in my dreams. I didn’t realize there was a pattern or that there was any real meaning. 

That all changed when I received twelve visions, one every hour for twelve hours.  They came to be known as the “Twelve Codes of Consciousness.” After that deeply spiritual experience, I owned what was happening to me. They were dynamic technicolor visions rich with spirit guides and symbolism with Mother Earth and a host of other spirits manifesting throughout the journey.

Over the years I have come to trust the journey, and even own it. I realized I was on the Path of the Mystic and  I was humbled and awed by the Great Mystery in all it’s many forms. The Path of the Mystic is an illusive and unknowable journey full of magic, spiritual lessons and awakenings. Each time I become child like and reverent of the Divine nature of existence.One of the greatest honors and joys of my journey, is to serve and guide others, empowering them to meet their spirit guides and power animals.

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