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Relationships- Power of Attraction

The Power Of Attraction

To understand relationships and the Power of Attraction, you have to look into the most important relationship you will have in your life – Yourself.  It can be challenging. You have to rediscover your authentic self, who you were before you were influenced by family, friends, society, including professional relationships. To have successful relationships with others you must first have a truthful and healthy relationship with yourself. 

It would be wise to seek a Spiritual Guide to help you detach from beliefs, ideas and habits that don’t serve your highest and best interests. Emotional Healing release the Mind, Body & Soul from relationships and issues that prevent you from moving forward. 


What's The Secret
To Understanding Relationships

Your Relationships are developed from childhood until present time from within the womb, your parents, school mates, society, and professionally. as well as the stories you tell yourself from gathered experiences.  To honor your authentic self, you will have to look within to discover your innermost truth. When you have a pro-active conscious relationship with your own truth you can live your life in a way that has meaning for you. When you are authentic with yourself you will attract positive energy, personally, socially and professionally. It is wise to seek a Spiritual Guide to help you detach from past relationships and life events that prevent you from moving forward. Emotional Healing is a must if you are to make decisions that are in your highest interest. 

Are You In A Truthful Relationship
With Yourself?

Entering into relationships, whether personal, social or business, without a truthful relationship with yourself, will create inner, as well as, external turmoil which will negatively affect your relationships. Personal relationships can be the most challenging. Often opposites attract and this dynamic presents a host of challenges. An attraction can be powerful enough to cause you to detach from reason or rational thinking. Knowing and owning your truth empowers you to make good life-affirming decisions. Because attractions are so powerful you are vulnerable. Best to be cautious. Attractions are neither a green light nor a red light. You could look at them as a yellow light. Pause and think things through because you are vulnerable. Remember it’s way easier to get into a relationship than to get out of one.

Maybe "The Thinker" Was Thinking
About The Power of Attraction

August Rodin, One of the greatest master sculptors of all times,  created a monumental bronze sculpture entitled “The Thinker.” Rodin explored the theme of The Power of Attraction, both the passion and pain. 

People from all parts of the world have sought out The Thinker, a male figure of heroic size sitting on a rock as he leans forward to rest his chin on the back of his right hand and appears to be deep into thought. 

I, like so many others, wondered what he was thinking about. Was he thinking about the vastness of the cosmos, the great mysteries or about the wonder of human existence, or is the thinker thinking about how he screwed up that last relationships? 

Rodin. with unbridled passion, sought to understand the complexities of human relationships.

When I was in seventh grade, the teacher asked us to write a paper on any subject that interested us. I decided to write a paper about Relationships.  I really didn’t know much about the Power of Attraction or Relationships. I had experienced little crushes here and there like everyone else 

But what was mystifying to me, was how two two people who had never seen each other before all of a sudden felt this irresistible  attraction without ever having met.

I don’t know if little girls were more prone to crushes than young boys, but we experienced them without a clue of what was happening. My paper was based on the mysterious attraction between two people who had never seen each other before. How they would suddenly discover each other and immediately recognize each other. I found that that phenomenon totally fascinating.



I theorized that once upon a time we were brother and sister atoms from the same galaxy whirling around in space. I imagined some kind of a cosmic event happened and we collided with another galaxy which fragmented our galaxy and we got separated from each other… lost in space. Then somehow, we both landed on planet Earth and when our paths crossed we remembered and the attraction was on! Simply irresistible!


I remember the teacher wrote at the top in a red pen … and I can still see the handwriting. “Very interesting but highly improbable. There was just something about that response that didn’t sit right even today. So many years later I’m still in awe of the power of attraction and how it manifests, seemingly out of nowhere, with no words spoken, no plots or schemes and no dating sites. I have always been in awe of the Great Mystery. An attraction is such a wondrous and beautiful phenomenon. There are times when it leads to love when we meet our soulmate and sometimes not. But we will have to explore the great mystery of love in the next blog. Should the spirit move you, please share your thoughts about relationships and attractions.

Blessed Be The Journey

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